By using and visiting this website you signify that you agree to these terms and conditions.
Privacy Policy:
Campus Cookies keeps your information secure. We collect all information given to us during the checkout process. This information is only used to help us provide you our service in an efficient manner. We may use this information to contact you concerning your order or the account you have created with us. We will never distribute this information to a third party, without prior consent.
We offer the following return policy:
If you feel your order took too long to arrive or your order did not meet your needs, please contact us with your order number and complaint. We will review our records on the order and get back to you within one business day. Note that all sales are final unless the complaint has been reviewed and agreed upon by the appropriate at Campus Cookies, with which a full refund will be given. Note that credit card refunds will take a few days to be processed back onto your account. Campus Cookies never wishes for this to happen, and will try our best for a resolution to meet your needs.
AOL Instant Messenger:
Our screen name service is to provide convenience to our customers when trying to contact us. Our screen name service is for customer comments and questions only and we will not tolerate any abusive language or demeaning remarks. Anyone using their screen name to harass us will be blocked and reported to the appropriate party. We have business to run, and hope you will respect our abilities to offer you more ways to contact us.
By placing an order with us you agree that you are 18 years of age or above or have legal parental or guardian consent and are fully competent to enter into our terms of service. If you are under 13 years of age then please do not use this website.
Limited Service Area/Phone Number/Missing Products:
Craving Cookies has a limited service area. Please refer to our customer service page for a map of this area. Under no circumstances will we deliver to a location out of delivery area. It is the user's responsibility to check if their delivery location is inside our limited delivery area. Campus Cookies reserves the right to cancel any order which is out of our delivery area.
It is your responsibility to enter the correct number when checking out and answering your phone when a delivery driver calls you. If you don't, the order may take much longer or may not reach you at all.
If orders are missing cookies we are happy to rebake the missing products, however if we are really busy, then it is best we refund your missing product.
We can send warm cookies as gift packages! By ordering a gift you agree to the following terms.
All messages written for gifts must appropriate and consist of no foul language or demeaning remarks. Campus Cookies has the right to cancel any order with an inappropriate gift-message. We also do not take responsibility for what is said or the effects of what is said on any gift-messages.
All gift orders must either be paid with Paypal or Credit Card, no cash will be accepted.
All gifts must be ordered by 6pm that eveing for same day delivery.
We will contact all gift recipients prior to delivery.
If you cancel a gift order two hours or less before it is to be delivered, you will not receive a
Please check if the recipient is in our delivery area, we will not deliver to any location outside our delivery area.
Gift orders are delivered during our operating hours only
If gift recipients are not reached during the night of the scheduled delivery, they will be contacted the following evening. We cannot guarantee that we will get in touch with your recipient and set-up a time on the date of delivery, we can only guarantee that we will attempt to contact them multiple times and leave a voicemail.
Time of Delivery:
We are an evening delivery service, only large, scheduled deliveries can be made during the day.
Order for LATER:
All 'order for later' orders must be placed over 2 hours prior to delivery and cannot be placed more than a week in advance.
All 'order for later' orders will not receive a refund if cancelled an hour or less prior to scheduled delivery.
All 'order for later' orders are to be delivered to the person placing the order and not as a gift.
Daytime Delivery :
We are happy to deliver to you during the day. Please fill out one of our contact us forms prior to ordering to make sure we will be able to deliver your order.
All trademarks on this site are of Campus Cookies and its affiliates. Under no circumstances is one allowed to take trademarked material off this site unless authorized by the appropriate party.
This website, in its entirety, is the sole property of Campus Cookies L.L.C. and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. All content on this site is exclusive property of Campus Cookies and any use other than e-commerce and shopping, such as reproduction or distribution of the content is strictly prohibited.
Cookie Cash:
Cookies Cash is an online gift-certificate redemtion code. It is up to the user purchasing the store credit to make sure the recipient of their store credit has an account with Campus Cookies. It will take 45minutes if e-mail is selected and 2-3 business days for the recipient to receive the message and code if the postal mail is selected. Gift-certificates expire after 12 months.
Terms of Purchase:
You agree to pay all fees and charges incurred in connection with your purchases (including applicable taxes). We may ask for additional verifications or information before accepting any order.
Methods of payment:
Cash -
By selecting cash as your form of payment you agree to give the appropriate Campus Cookies employee the payment in US Dollars upon the receipt of your order.
Credit Card -
When using a credit card as a method payment you agree that you are an authorized user of the credit card and will pay all charges made to your account from Campus Cookies L.L.C. A 70¢ charge will be included when you use a credit card.
Paypal -
You may use paypal as a means of payment. By using and purchasing through pay pal you agree that you are owner and have authority you use the pay pal account. You agree to incur all charges made to your account from Campus Cookies.
JMU Access Card | Hokie Passport-
When using a JAC Card as a method payment you agree that you are an authorized user of the JAC Card and will pay all charges made to your account from Campus Cookies L.L.C. A $1 charge will be included when you use a JAC Card.
Our goods do have a variety of ingredients, if you have an allergy, please read prior to ordering.